Is Obesity Surgery Risky?
All surgical procedures performed today carry certain risks. Likewise, there are similar risks in obesity surgery. However, it is possible to say that the risks will be reduced to an extremely low level and the bariatric surgery can be performed safely if the candidate, who is planned to have bariatric surgery, is operated on by an experienced surgical team and followed up closely after surgery.
Which Complications May Occur After Obesity Surgery?
We think that it is necessary to emphasize 3 (three) complications that we take precautions and closely monitor.
1-Thromboembolism A life-threatening situation is encountered with blood clotting in the deep veins of the leg, especially obstructing the lung vessels. The risk of thromboembolism; Some Medication applied before the surgery, pneumatic socks are worn to the patient during the surgery, and the patient’s mobilization at the hour as early as possible (after 4 hours) after the operation, 2-Bleeding The patient should be closely monitored after the surgery. 3-Leak The result is leakage of stomach contents into the abdominal cavity. The leak is a complication that can be resolved by early detection with close follow-up of the patient.
Can Diabetes Patients Have Obesity Surgery?
The group in which bariatric surgery is most beneficial is obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Obesity surgery is especially recommended for patients in this group.
Can Heart Patients Have Obesity Surgery?
Cardiac patients other than patients with severe heart disease such as severe heart failure, unstable angina pectoris and advanced aortic stenosis can safely undergo obesity surgery with the necessary medical recommendations after a detailed cardiological analysis.
Is Every Food Consumed After Obesity Surgery?
After the surgery, the nutrition program given by the doctor should be followed. Within this program, high-calorie, spicy and very fatty foods should not be consumed, and desserts should be tasting rather than satisfying. At the same time, acidic and carbonated drinks should not be consumed. These drinks can cause reflux or cause the stomach to grow again.
Can the Old Weight Be Reached After Obesity Surgery?
Patients should be careful after surgery. Depending on the type of surgery chosen, they may experience weight gain problems. This risk is higher after sleeve gastrectomy .. It is around 5% to 10% after approximately 3 years, but they usually never reach their old weight.
When Can I Return to Work and Exercise After Obesity Surgery?
Our patients working in light jobs (office, desk jobs) can return to work after an average of one week or ten days, and our patients working in heavier jobs after 3 or 4 weeks on average. The first 15 days after the surgery, brisk walking, after 15 days, brisk walking, swimming after the 1st month, plates after the 3rd month, and heavy sports after the 6th month can be done easily.
When to Lose Weight After Obesity Surgery?
It is possible to lose 10% -20% of weight within the first 3 months by following the diet and exercise program. In the next 6 months, 30-35% weight is lost, and the desired weight is reached in the remaining months.
Do Sagging Occur After Obesity Surgery?
Sagging may occur depending on the person’s body and skin type. Exercises performed after the surgery are also very important in this sense. It is possible to prevent sagging with regular exercises. If the person complains about sagging, he can talk to our plastic surgeons 1 year after his weight remains constant.
Does Sleep Apnea Pass After Obesity Surgery?
It has been observed that this disorder disappears in most patients.
Causes Hair Loss After Obesity Surgery?
Hair loss can be seen in some people. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Spilled hair may come back and additional vitamins can be used under the supervision of a doctor in this process.
In Which Age Range Is Obesity Surgery Performed?
All obese patients between the ages of 18 and 65 who do not have any obstacle to surgery and anesthesia can undergo surgery. Over the age of 65 should be evaluated separately. For patients under the age of 18, parental consent is required.