What is Rhinoplasty? Side Effects and Cost of Surgery in Turkey
The surgery is carrying out for altering the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty can alter cartilage, bone, and skin. It helps in alternating the shape, proportion, and size of your nose. It is also known as “Nose Job”. People get this surgery done to get their nose repaired after an injury, birth defect, and correct breathing problems. The recovery takes about a month or some people take a longer time for recovery depending upon the complexity of the surgery. The person will be a good candidate who is a nonsmoker, aged more than 18 years, and have good health for getting Rhinoplasty surgery done.

Rhinoplasty nose job Procedure
Rhinoplasty procedure performed at a hospital by the plastic surgeon. The doctor gives anesthesia which is general to the patient. After your nose gets numb then the surgeon will make cuts inside or between nostrils. Then the surgeon will detach the skin from your bone or cartilage. Rhinoplasty which called a nose job takes approx two or three hours maximum. However, if the surgery is complicated then it takes more time.
Nose Job Benefits
There are various benefits of getting the Rhinoplasty surgery done.
Surgery helps in decreasing and increasing the size of the nose, reduce the nasal tip, give nostrils a new shape, reduce the bridge, improve breathing, increase confidence level, correcting birth defects and correct the problem of snoring, etc.
Rhinoplasty Side Effects
The various side effects of Rhinoplasty are bleeding, a complication with anesthesia, infection, swelling, numbness, septal perforation, pain, improper healing, scarring, bruising, nausea, fever, hives, redness, and blurred vision.
Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey
The average price of surgery in Turkey starts from a minimum of $2100 and goes on about $5450 depending upon the complexity of surgery, facility, hospital, and medical tourism facility taken by patients.
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